Quote Originally Posted by pb View Post
Im lonely and if I’m honest , I feel that I have no future.
I’m terrified of my parents dying and being alone.
You have family and friends. Feeling alone is different matter, and in your case, clearly not being supported enough by your siblings.

You don't have your own children, but you do have children to give your love to.

And while your parents are elderly and not in the best of health - you do still have them.

You have a lot to cope with, for sure. I don't need to state the obvious about your parents. This is a fear that will come true, sadly. Or not, depending on how you choose to think about it. My FIL is going into a hospice today to be made comfortable for the final part of his journey. This is life.

I lost my dad when I was 26 and my mother died 9 years ago. The difference is that I had a husband to support me both times, so my heart goes out to you there. But you do have siblings and friends - which means you won't be as completely alone as you could be...

The cards dealt to us can be epically crap ones, I mean, my dad was diagnosed with cancer on my birthday and died on Christmas Day (crap cards - even crapper for my dad!) but life isn't meant to be fair, is it?

It's not about what happens to us, (no control) it's about how we deal with what happens to us. (control)

RE your siblings, it seems to me that you could perhaps be a little more assertive? Tell them what you need. Your mum and dad are their parents too!

Like pulisa says, you deserve a better life - a FABULOUS one - and one which isn't dominated by this horrible disorder!

Here comes the but...

All the sympathy in the world won't change the fact that it's down to you to change things - which is why I take the approach that I do.

Take old Scroogie... he saw how bleak his future was going to be if he didn't change, and he changed so that he could have a brighter future. I'm not saying you're tight with money (or coal) but it's as good an analogy as any...

Ask for support cocker. Maybe tell your sis, 'Ta for the food sis, but I need your time more'.

Be assertive! Flippin girl power and that!

So, this is where I must leave you and all that. I've said all I can to help you, to the point of repeating myself, and I would be happy to keep going if I thought it was helping you, but I really don't think that's the case, so I won't be contributing to this thread anymore. However, I will be thinking of you, and I genuinely wish you all the very best. X

"Bran thought about it. 'Can a man still be brave if he's afraid?'
'That is the only time a man can be brave, his father told him."

- George R.R Martin - A Game of Thrones

P.s - you can do this. X