Quote Originally Posted by WorriedOlive View Post
This morning my BM had a tiny piece which had the red colour and was full of peppers (sorry tmi!!) and the rest was a normal colour, which i presume was from yesterday’s food as I made sure not to eat red food yesterday. Would you say that’s adequate to confirm it was the tomato sauce causing it? I want to stop looking but also don’t want to miss something important that needs to be reported.
You have to stop rooting through your poo mate!

Poo, wipe your bot-bot, courtesy glance as you flush, wash hands, and go.

What we ingest dictates the colour of our poo. You know this.

You most likely don't have cancer, but you do have a very unhealthy relationship with your faeces.

For what it's worth, I earned my poo-checking badge when I was unwell with HA. I used to shit on loo roll and lift it out of the toilet to inspect it up close. I had a special poo prodder (an old toothbrush) But once my brain re-engaged, I could see how utterly ridiculous it was.

My BIL has bowel cancer. And no, I won't tell you his symptoms because your HA mind will fixate on them and within a few hours you'll have those symptoms. What I will tell you is that his tumour was so large it blocked his colon. They got the entire tumour out (and some lymph nodes) and with a bit of chemo to tidy up any microscopic bits of cancer, he's going to be good to go.

Point is, even when this shit does get real - it's not the death sentence you imagine it to be!

When I went loco with HA, I used to stalk the cancer forums because it's what raging HAers do. Anyway, I came across an interesting bloke who was told to go home and put his affairs in order because he was riddled with cancer and he literally had weeks to live. Yeah? Well, up yours cancer, because the bloke lived for SEVEN YEARS and in that time - with the help of a few daily puffs on the happy fags - he and his good lady wife drove round America in their camper van!