Quote Originally Posted by debs71 View Post
Don't worry.

He likes to make out he is some big tough guy, but he is all mouth and no trousers. Get him on his own, without all of his little minions around him doing his bidding and kissing his backside and like most bullies, he would be nothing but a total pussy. THAT I would lay money on.

He threatens this and threatens that, but that is all down to his enormously out of control ego. His problem is that he is your typical spoiled rich kid. He has never had to deal with the words 'You cannot have' or 'No'. He is used to having things HIS WAY, all bought and paid for by his money and power. Now that the American public have taken that power from him - and there is nothing he can do to change it - he is throwing his toys out of the playpen like a pathetic child.

He will have all eyes on him now, as everyone knows what a loon he is and how he cannot cope with this rejection.

He is frankly not worth wasting anxiety over, trust me.
Sorry Debs but I had to stop when you put the thought in my head of Trump with no trousers on