Hello everyone, I have had an abscess above my right top front tooth with the pain starting on Friday. The pain really intensified on Saturday afternoon and I couldn’t get into the emergency dentist until the Sunday so my gp prescribed me a five day course of alphaclav duo forte. I went to the dentist the next day and because the abscess is inside my gums above the root they could not lance or drain it. Instead they referred me to an endontic specialist because of how big the abscess is and the fact that it is already eating into the root of my tooth. Unfortunately I can’t see the specialist for a months time unless they have a cancellation because he is so booked up. I had severe swelling in my lips and a bit of puffiness in my right cheek and under my eye, but that has mostly gone down, however I can still feel the hard swelling under my nose and in my gum and it’s still very tender to touch. I take my last antibiotic tab tonight and I rang my gp and told him about the gum still being swollen so he’s prescribed me another five days of antibiotics. Is it normal for the swelling in the gum and the actual abscess to still be there after five days of treating it? Why hasn’t it gone down yet? I can’t eat anything on that side and I’m living on baby food and jelly. Has anyone had anything like this before and give me some reassurance? I’m so worried I’m going to lose my front tooth!!