Quote Originally Posted by WiredIncorrectly View Post
Joe, ask Google "Is a theory a fact". Your argument is flawed because you assume that a theory is fact.

We could dance around this for decades. You know what you mean, I know what I mean.

For example, I already said somewhere else up there ^^^^ that I questioned the Big Bang theory. We know 'it' happened', we just don't know exactly how, let alone why. But we do know it happened.

You're assuming that I think a theory is a fact, and I didn't even hint that's what I thought.

And Nora, I'm not talking about studies, I'm talking about repeatable and measurable scientific tests with predictable results. Studies are 'let's see what happens here' based on a random/control set of criteria.

We live in an age where the word 'opinion' has more gravitas that fact. Facts are still powerful, especially when they are actually facts. Yes, facts DO exist.