Thanks Maca, it sure does.

Tough day yesterday but I got through it with no tears and no diazepam so that's a plus. Anxiety and agitation were fairly high all day and I did some pacing between working, I find I can't sit at the laptop working for long at a time. Felt quite strange last night, we watched some TV and had some dinner but I didn't feel all there, like it was difficult even thinking. Went to bed about 9.30 but laid there having a lot of health anxiety and it took me quite a while to drop off, did sleep through till 7 though.
Anxiety this morning, mainly because i feel like i can't even think clearly. It's like a heaviness behind my eyes and in the middle of my forehead. Thinking is taking a lot of effort as my head feels very heavy, my body also feels like lead like even walking is an effort as my thighs feel like they have lead in them. I'm getting quite stressed with this today. This is all just so much and i'm so worried i am not going to get back to myself.... I can see some tears coming today.
Ava x