Quote Originally Posted by Paradise10 View Post
I always consult Dr Google... but... I haven't done this for 4 days now. I made a promise to myself I would never google symptoms again.
Good!! Dr Google is a quack who apparently can't tell the difference between a paper cut and terminal cancer, if HA forums are any guide.

Im starting one cbt on the 15th and I have a telephone doctors appointment on the 17th for a catch up since I increased my dose so I will ask her then.
I know it's still early days, Ava, but is the CBT helping?

I have realised I need to change the way I react to things. I need to talk to family and then the doctor if needed rather than keeping quiet, consulting Dr google then worrying it all in my head.
Yep. The squeaky hinge gets the oil. Suffering in silence never gets us anywhere.

Ian you are a massive help to me through this and I just want you to know I am thankful.
Cool. All part of the service...er...um...you did sign up for the super deluxe NMP package didn't you?