Quote Originally Posted by BlueIris View Post
Hey, James. Thinking of you and yours.

Sorry you're feeling so awful right now, and I'm sorry the world's in such a mess. Try to remember that mental illness can distort the way you perceive the world, though.

Things are bad, but you have your family and friends. We might have tough times ahead of us, but better times will come along, too.
I agree with you BI. I agree with James that we need even tighter restrictions, at least in the shorter term, but I don't agree with him that the vaccinations are a waste of time as they still haven't started properly yet, and for all I know he might have been reading too much BS propaganda online, which sadly is aplenty, and inadvertently getting carried away with it.

Let's all give the vaccines a chance before writing them off and prematurely jumping to conclusions that they will never work and are a waste of time and money.

Granted there have been teething problems and cock-ups with the Pfizer vaccine but the others will be here soon, so let's all wait and see, be patient, and in the meantime, stick to the rules.

I know it's hard for many of us and it's highly tempting to say 'screw the authorities', but honestly, contrary to popular belief, they're not all completely bent and corrupt, and whatever's currently trending on social media isn't necessarily what we should all be going by and believing as gospel.