2020 was a roller coaster for my gi tract. I had an infection that took a few weeks to diagnose, that led to post infectious ibs. I had chronic diarrhea for about 6 months as well as terrible abdominal pain. Increasing my antidepressant, nortriptyline, to 25mg seems to have helped. But now I’m constipated instead. I still get the feeling I need to go quite urgently most days but usually I’ll get out just a little and then it’s like I freeze up. If I strain, it hurts a lot. Feels like I’m pooping knives sometimes, I also see mucus in my stool a lot and occasionally blood when wiping. I’m getting scared again that I have cancer or something that has just made me go from diarrhea to constipation. My doctor just keeps telling me to take fiber supplements but they all make me sick to my stomach. I’m working with a dietician to try and deal with it with lifestyle changes before taking more meds but so far no improvement. I’m constantly feeling bloated from the constipation too which makes it hard to eat a lot. Any tips for dealing with this?