I'm gonna keep this as brief as possible.

So, my main HA concern is liver disease/cirrhosis due to alcohol abuse. I haven't drunk anything in 10 days, but decided to have a couple of light beers last night. It made me feel really bloated and gassy, so I made myself sick.

The sick came out bright red... I hadn't eaten anything red...

I am now really freaking out it could be Esophageal varices (a complication of cirrhosis of the liver.)

I have tried to make myself sick today to see if it is still red, but it looks clear with some brown bits (from my Diet Coke I think)

If this was
Esophageal varices, would my vomit be red EVERY time, not just the one time last night?

Please let me know as I am seriously panicking. I am also waiting on blood test results on my liver that I requested myself due to my fears over cirrhosis.

Many thanks in advance