Quote Originally Posted by ankietyjoe View Post
It's one of the reasons why people who suffer with anxiety, suffer with anxiety. Always looking for the worst case scenario.
Sadly I think a lot of us in general have become 'conditioned' into looking for and expecting the worst-case scenarios, especially over the past 30 years or so where the media have become even more extreme in their sensationalism and propaganda during the time that has elapsed.

I clearly remember 1991 being a pretty horrible year, due to both general circumstances (e.g, things in the news at that time such as the first Iraq war, the early 90s recession, IRA terror attacks, city riots, high crime rates in general, etc), and personal circumstances (which I won't bore you all with in this instance).

Imagine what it might have been like if we had the Internet as we now know it and social media back then?

Conversely, just imagine what it might have been like if we had the Covid pandemic back then in the still-relatively low-tech early 90s, without all the mass communication technology we take for granted today?