Hello I am a long time lurker I have dealt with anxiety for about 6 years mostly health anxiety, agoraphobia and panic attacks.

Last night I had something happen which has really scared me and I can’t seem to calm down. I think I am going to have a heart attack I am a 32 years old a little bit overweight.

Last night I was lying in bed and I started getting a short sharp stabbing pain in the left centre of my chest it would last for a few seconds then go away. It did that a few times over ten minutes then stopped.

I got sweaty, anxious, and felt weird. My heart rate didn’t go up by much maybe max 98bpm I wear a Fitbit then came back down again to about 70-80 I was anxious but my heart wasn’t racing. I didn’t get very much sleep as I was so worried I was about to have a heart attack. I have woke up this morning still feeling anxious. Can a heart attack last for a day? Can the feelings come and go? Sorry I’m trying to say it’s just anxiety but I’m not sure.