Hi all, here I am again. I hope you're all doing OK in these strange times. I've been better thanks to sertraline but I caught covid in December and for some reason stopped taking it and not restarted. For the past few weeks I've been getting tingling and numb and burning sensations in my arms and legs. Then last night, I took a sip of my drink and everything went blurred for a split second. It was as I pulled my drink away from a sip and it was a martini glass so my rational side is trying to say I just looked through the glass, but unfortunately my anxious, far louder side is telling me it's a brain tumour. I've obsessed all day and with the tingling etc, it's not helping. I also had bloods taken on Friday do I have the added anxiety of the wait on those. I also keep getting heavy eyes and numb teeth. Does this sound like a neurological thing?