Quote Originally Posted by Lencoboy View Post
Whilst I agree that Blair and Brown did have their faults, many of the issues during their tenure were mostly of their time, and probably would have arose regardless of who was in power, but it does seem that virtually all Labour leaders since Blair have been labelled as 'bogeymen' in some form or another.

Let's face it, if Bozzer was to involve us in a third Iraq war next year and/or a second Global Financial Crisis was to occur under his watch, I bet you a tenner that there wouldn't be anywhere near the same extent of public outrage under him as there was under Blair and Brown.

Like I've already said before, had this pandemic occurred under Labour they would have been finished. Finito!!
Blair lied to the electorate and took us to a war that cost British lives just so he could leave a legacy, he got that just not in the way he hoped. Brown was a disaster as a PM. Since then Labour have lurched from one catastrophe to another. In my opinion they went for the wrong Milliband brother, the one they got was weak, then swung in the opposite direction with JC, who was about 40 years out of date. Got himself embroiled in the anti-Semitic issue, which he was warned about, but he sat and did nothing whilst Rome burned.

Whatever scandals and mismanagement the conservatives managed to bring upon themselves, Labour somehow managed to create a bigger one to overshadow it. At times when the conservatives were at their weakest and primed for the opposition to score points, Labour managed to completely drop the ball. This was evident in the last election when hard line Labour areas started voting Tory, not for any desire for a Tory government but the sheer frustration of how badly the Labour front bench were handling things.

We aren't like the US who polarise and get behind vocally their respective parties, the British have a mistrust of MP's in general, we tend to vote for the ones we least dislike.