Hi sorry this is my first post after just finding this website by pure chance.

I am absolutely panicked/beside myself/hysterical/cannot function with new stomach issues which started about 4/6 weeks ago.

A bit of background about me: i am a 47 year old woman with type 1 diabetes (insulin dependent) which i have had for 22 years. I started suffering from health anxiety about 5 years ago and find it completely consuming (when im in the panic) but can be forgotten about until the next health scare. I am writing this hoping im on the right path as i am so hysterical right now i cannot see the screen for tears so apologies in advance for typos.

Everything was fine until I started having low down abdominal pain but this soon radiated to my upper abdomen also. Then ofcourse the mind kicked and i soon started having diarrhoea. Ovet the hours everything became worse and my anxiety took off as did my diarrhoea. I called my gp the next day and she asked me to go up to be examined and take urine sample. She checked my urine (ok) she examined my stomach (everything fealt fine) and thought i had probably picked up a bug. Everything was fine for about a week then it all came back again, i phoned gp again and she organised for me to get my bloods checked and check for ovarian issues. After a stressful 3 days my results came back clear. Again i was ok fot a few days then the TERRIBLE diarrhoea started again with low stomach cramps, then this terrible pain moves up into my upper abdomen and travels to my back, this seems to last for 24 hours then disappears (Btw no blood in my poo and i also did a chemist test for bowel cancer and it came back with no blood). Unfortunately 3 days ago the whole cycle happened again but today I have the most awful wind which i cannot get rid of, it’s causing upper stomach pain, and feel totally bloated. Could anyone help put my mind at ease if they think this could be bowel cancer? So sorry also meant to say i had a colonoscopy 2 years ago (I thought I had blood in my poo) it came back negative and they suggested I have IBS??

Anyone’s advice would be so helpful I feel as if im going to have a nervous breakdown, thanks in advance