Hi so I’ve been having a panic attack for the past hour and a half over this lol. Basically i’m 23, and recently got referred to a cardiologist for episodes of pre-syncope (which is just nearly fainting). The dr ran an ekg, but said it was fine except for a short PR interval. The cardiologist wasn’t concerned with the PR interval but ran another EKG just in case, and scheduled me for an echocardiogram. I got a phone call from the office today, though, saying the dr saw my EKG and decided to reschedule my test as a Stress Echocardiogram test.
Looking up reasons why people get this test done has really freaked me out (Coronary artery disease, heart failure, valve issues!) And I can’t stop panicking over it all. The dr didn’t even tell me what was wrong with my EKG.
What do I do??? Thanks for any advice and help.