Suffering from health anxiety right now. Going to an eye specialist tomorrow for a specific health concern. I've been utterly despondent today. I was on autopilot on my way to the grocery store with my brother and he ended up doing all the shopping while I just followed with my hands in my pockets. I also tried watching a movie I really love and felt completely exhausted just sitting there trying to enjoy it. I've somehow convinced myself every small symptom I get is a sign of a serious underlying illness and I'm just a ticking time bomb. Pretty much all the joy has been sucked out of me. I'm terrified not even a dr's reassurance is going to pull me out of this. I also made plans of going to my GP for other minor concerns regarding very quick and brief shooting pains through my chest, stomach, legs and arms. I personally suspect they're just a result of nerve damage as I've had sciatica and pinched nerves in the past. But how I'm feeling, the doom and gloom, is just . . . exhausting. Will seek medical help for this, but I don't really know what to do about it in the mean time. Anybody with this pull themselves out of this despondent and/or no energy state in some way? I don't have any medication for it at the moment, unfortunately.