I'm a 31 year old woman. I have multiple hard lumps in one armpit - one is about 2cm and I have a couple of 1cm ones. They're not painful and I have no signs of infection. The only thing making me feeling better is that they're moveable. But they are very hard. So I'm terrified. My breast is also thicker on that side. I had an ultrasound on the thickened bit 3 years ago and was told it was normal thicker breast tissue, but that I also had a cyst. But these lumps I can feel are new and, as mentioned, rock solid. I'm calling the GP surgery tomorrow to make an appointment. I've been having a lot of back ache and still have undiagnosed bowel issues, so that's making me feel more worried.

Has anyone else had hard armpit lumps that turned out to be benign?
