I work in a research environment where there is a chemical warehouse that utilizes surfuric acid. I have a phobia of chemicals so I wouldn't ever work with that stuff but I do have to go in there to grab paperwork and keys from people who do work with it. The sulfuric acid isn't currently being used but the warehouse workers handle the containers that the acid has been spilled on in the past. I am pretty freaked out because I grabbed some paperwork and keys from one of the employees after they were touching the container and now I am freaked out that the acid could have transferred from the container to his hand to the keys to my hand. I have been worried I might have a burn even though there are no marks and I am worried that things I touched are contaminated and could burn me later. It is scary too since sulfuric acid doesn't "Dry" so even though the spills are old they can still react with skin moisture. How do I get over this fear? I can't stop obsessing about it and the worry is driving me crazy