Hey guys! It has even a few months since I have been on here. Honestly I have been doing pretty great for probably the last year. ( Not perfect but SO much better! Which is surprising with the last year we’ve had.) I did therapy online over my anxiety for a few months. I got off my anxiety medication as I felt I was doing okay. It got to the point that my therapy sessions weren’t involving my health anxiety as much as other issues in my life. ( relationships, self esteem )

I have lived day to day pretty normally without a major amount of anxiety as I used to have. I ended up quitting therapy just because of the expense.

Anyways, yesterday I began to feel kind of weird at work. I just feel off. I wouldn’t necessary say dizzy, but just off balance when I walk. Just a weird feeling like maybe light headed. I felt it at work and I forgot about it and came home from work absolutely fine until later that night it came back when I thought about it again. It has continue throughout today where I just feel off balance when I walk. It makes me scared to stand up. Instead of being rational, I am beginning to hear the worst like a brain tumor or something. Part of me wonders if this is partly fueled by my anxiety..when I used to get really anxious I would get this feeling but that was mostly just during a panic attack.. not all day like this. Last night I was so worked up my heart was racing and I felt like I had back when I was in my constant struggle with anxiety.

Has anyone else noticed this off balance feeling with anxiety throughout the day? I have been doing SO well. I DONT want to go back down that hole. I have been struggling since I was 14 and I just recently turned 21. I’m now at a point where my boyfriend and I are talking about getting married and moving out, I’ve worked too hard to go back, I’m just really petrified something is seriously wrong with me and I’m having the urge to Google and feed that anxiety all over again.