I have been working on my health anxiety this year since a horrible experience with BC worries. Overall I’m doing a lot better but symptoms of GERD are getting me down/triggering my health anxiety slightly. This forum always really helps so I wondered if someone could give me there opinion on what they would do/if they have experienced similar to me.

On the lead up to my colonoscopy in December I was extremely distressed and starting experiencing acid reflux, nausea and burping along with globus throat sensations. This went away after my colonoscopy so I put it down to stress.

In March it returned after taking ibuprofen (only 4 tablets throughout a day, so thought it was a coincidence). Spoke with my gastroenterologist who didn’t think endoscopy was necessary and diagnosed acid reflux. Naturally as a health anxiety sufferer the idea of no endoscopy to double check all is well freaked me out, but since the whole colonoscopy bowel cancer fiasco I have learnt my lesson on pushing for invasive testing.

He prescribed me anti acids and lifestyle changes along with liquid nexium. The nexium works wonders for me for a short period. I initially did the lifestyle changes whilst I waited for my prescription and this stopped all my symptoms so I never ended up taking the anti acids. All was going well and I thought this was the end of it until taking ibuprofen again (is that a weird coincidence!?). Currently on a weeks holiday in Cornwall and after a few days of unhealthy eating (pasty’s, chocolate, pizza etc!) I feel horrific.

Nausea is my most prominent symptom which is what worries me, wouldn’t the acid be the main symptom? I do have acid reflux just not as bad as the nausea.

Also suffering with benching and globus.

Does this all just sound like GERD? Would you just go with what the gastroenterologist said and forget about it and take the medication/life style changes or push on the testing?

27 y/o female for reference.

Any thoughts would be appreciated