*Trigger warning - discussing vaccine side effects and fears*


I was just hoping to perhaps get some reassurance as my anxiety has sky rocketed thanks to the new guidance rolled out in the UK today regarding AstraZeneca.

I’m in my early 30s and had my first dose of AstraZeneca last week. I’ve struggled to keep my anxiety under control because of the blood clot stories in the news. To the point I’ve been wishing I never had it as it’s made my anxiety so bad.

This morning I woke up with day 6 of a headache since my jab. This headache isn’t severe and doesn’t match any of the criteria to call 111 on the NHS website but it’s there. Like a tension headache behind my eyes.
Well with this in mind, I’ve just seen the news bulletin that under 40s should not have AstraZeneca due to the blood clot risk. I went into an immediate panic attack. My heart went insane.

I’m really struggling to get my anxiety under control. This is a mild headache and I just can’t even tell any longer if it’s stress causing the headache.

Thank you for any tips or reassurance.
