Quote Originally Posted by Lencoboy View Post
He and my mom were flabbergasted when I told them to eff off for the first time back in 1986 (I think) and I called them both 'Pakkies'!
I flicked the Vs at my mother and I thought my life was over by the look on her face! However, in the summer of 1981, I discovered that I could run really fast (school sports) so she had no chance.

My son is like sponge when it comes to picking up shit from other kids. We have to be very careful what he watches at home. This was never an issue with me at school or in front of anyone except my immediate family because I hardly spoke. My lad used the C word not so long ago - and totally inappropriately to the situation he was using it in. It was almost comical! One of the kids had said it at school and he must have liked how it sounded? Once I'd stopped choking on my chips, I set him right...