Quote Originally Posted by NoraB View Post
Ian Curtis was something else wasn't he? Tragic story for sure!

He danced a bit like I do!

Joy Division's time was short but the band which rose from the proverbial ashes (New Order) is still going 41 years later - minus Hookey I think? Mind you; I went off him when he started slagging Caroline Aherne off after her death.

I can't see Joy Division having that kind of longevity even if Curtis had lived tbh..

Incidentally, I was in the Trafford Centre on Monday (music shop) and there's a New Order Power, Corruption & Lies T shirt which I think I will add to my band T shirt collection..

Who says 50 is too old to wear band T shirts!
Joy Division were of their short time but once heard never forgotten... and New Order had a brief spell in the sun. Went to see the latter in Norwich in 1982 when I was an undergrad and was not impressed when they came on an hour late and stayed on stage for literally 20 minutes then went off. Lot of us went off them due to their arrogant stance...

Seen the Stranglers a few times over the years with different line-ups and they were just as good with and without Hugh Cornwell. Used to have a Rattus Norvegicus t-shirt which I wore until it disintegrated...agree you are never too old to wear band t-shirts with pride! Five minutes and you're almost there!!