Up until it was my turn, I was so for the jab. I was irritated at anti vaxxers but my anxiety has sort of allowed me to see sense in their thinking and I hate myself for it. I know it's my anxiety making excuses for not having it but everyone I know has had their dose, at least once.

My concerns are my recurring ear infection, still non the wiser what's causing them and doc has no referred to ENT which will take how long. Is it conductive hearing because wax or a tumor. She said my eardrum is opaque and I have 50% wax. I know when I get a cold last two times it went into my ears and I'm scared of causing more damage to an issue I'm not sure what it actually is.

I know the vax causes flu symptoms that's my reasoning. I've just booked for a 3rd time now and still not sure I'll follow through. Hope that makes sense and someone can reply.