I'm stressing massively as my granddaughter started with a cough and temperature almost 2 weeks ago, my daughter took her for a pcr test on day 4 which came back negative. My daughter also did a lft on herself which was also negative. For the last week my daughter has been coughing a lot and feeling unwell, she has been double vaccinated. I have spent time with them both over the last week as I felt mildly reassured by my grand daughter's negative test.

Now I'm starting to panic incase the test was wrong as I know there are false negatives. I thought about doing a lft but that probably wouldn't reassure me. I have had both az vaccines but I have read a lot about people testing positive after having both and still becoming very I'll or dying. I don't think I will ever be able to live a normal life again or be comfortable around d my grandchildren.