Hey everyone… I’m back again.

Recently (for about 4 days now) I have been experiencing a dull/gnawing pain in my right upper abdomen under my ribs. The pain sometimes wraps around my back and goes up my shoulder blade. I’m scared I have pancreatic cancer…

I’m only 22 years old and besides being slightly overweight and having high blood pressure, I’m completely healthy. Over 90% of cases of pancreatic cancer happen in people over 40, and it’s almost unheard of for someone my age to get it. However, I’ve also recently lost about 40 pounds over a year and a half. I’ve mostly contribute me this to not eating as much after I moved out of my moms house (I only eat once a day now, I know, it’s bad. Not from lack of appetite but it is just usually how things work out now.)

I’ve somehow now contributed my weight loss and pain to pancreatic cancer and have convinced myself that the cancer is in a late stage because of my symptoms and has possible spread to my liver, which is what is causing this pain.

The pain isn’t excruciating, just kind of annoying and uncomfortable, but feels like it’s getter worse each day. Because it’s not severe pain, I don’t think it’s gallstones or gallbladder related. My poops have also been normal lately and no excess gas or anything so I don’t think it’s IBS.

I know this sounds totally irrational, but I’m hoping that just writing this will make me feel better. I’m also hoping someone has had a similar experience they can share.

Thanks for reading!!

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