Hi all , you know one day I’d like to come here to say all is good with the world and myself but as of yet it’s not happened .
Yesterday was Boris’s grand end of covid day ( TW*T ) today I got a call to say my aunt who we spent some time with over the weekend has covid , me and my partner came home from the coast after seeing her and my partner didn’t feel well and hasn’t since , we did lateral flow tests this evening and tested negative but as I understand it you can be in incubation period and test positive anytime for two weeks , I’m trying not to freak out but keeping that up for the next 14 days isn’t going to be easy , I guess we are supposed to self isolate but I really don’t know what we have to do ,it’s soo bloody hot we all feel like shite which could be mistaken for covid symptoms , I must admit I’ve gotten a bit complacent over time thinking I need to carry on living so what the hell but now it feels very real and close again .
Ive been on a bit of a high the last few weeks because I took on a flat by the coast and have spent every weekend decorating it but now its nearly done my fear that the bubble would burst has come true , I feel like I’m not supposed to be happy in life and if I am I have to pay the price .
So do I self isolate for 14 days ? Can I still walk my dogs but avoid people ? I’m double jabbed but I know it means sod all , I can’t take another knock back right now .
Any advice would be greatly appreciated and I hope you lot are ok .