Hi all, been sent here from ALSforums

In Jan I got a neurologist appointment on the NHS, my mum has MS and I know the symptoms. However a few months later I started twitching started in the thumb and moving all over, checking online was the worst decision I ever made, hypochondria runs in our family and as it turns out I'm no different. I read the FAQ on ALSForums all the time for reassurance but it was so hard to concentrate on anything in my life.

One month later I paid for a private consult with my mum's neurologist, he's been on TV and highly regarded so I knew I wanted to see him even if it cost me £250. The good news is that after my consult he told me that my reflexes are normal and my plantors were flexor. He would not let me go private since he believes all my tests will be fine but scheduled another blood test, nerve conduction study and brain MRI on the NHS mainly to reassure me. He thinks I have BFS and nothing sinister.

A few weeks after my twitching is still present but I noticed that sat in a car seat/kitchen chair I absolutely cannot move the inside of my left calf, but I can my right. I skateboard and play football and my right side is my jumping side despite being left footed. I scheduled a visit and got seen by an NHS physio. He determined that I shouldn't worry and I have functional weakness since I can calf raise and it's just the inside of my calf that I can't move. He said that if I do calf raises that should bring back the neurological link in 3-6 months. But when I got home this just started my anxiety off again, what this is the first muscle that's gone and my other calf muscle is taking over? Could I always not move this calf? This sounds like the wifi signal being lost analogy used in the FAQ.

I enrolled in steps2change, I've just completed the second week of CBT for general anxiety, which I'm taking seriously. I'm scared and annoyed with myself, sure I noticed my calf weakness after the neurologist consultation but he did clear me. I passed every test! I'm waiting for the nerve conduction study now, I've had no date on when this will occur but I'm struggling to focus some days. Debating whether to make another private consult but he has already told me I'm fine, and I know how good he is and how much he's helped my mum. So I also know that I should trust him.