Hi all,

I'm 25 years old and would really appreciate some advice, I'm convinced that I'm dying from ovarian cancer. 😥

On 5th July I went to accident and emergency for an unrelated issue - I had a blood test which was clear.

However the next day I started dry heaving, feeling naseuous and had diarrhea about 7 times. I spent the rest of the week in bed not eating much food. I suspected I'd picked up a bug from hospital.

Come the weekend I started to get my appetite back so began eating normally, however Sunday night I was back on the toilet for about 8 times, dry heaving and feeling nauseous again.

I've felt fine for about a week and today I've been to the toilet 3 times, more dry heaving and still feel nauseous.

I had a stool sample done but shockingly it came back normal! No bacteria, no blood, nothing. My doctor is still convinced it's gastroenteritis (stomach bug) but would it REALLY last 3 weeks?

I'm terrified it could be ovarian cancer because I've read that it causes: changes in bowel movements, loss of appetite, bloating, abdominal pain, feeling full quickly, fatigue, skin rash, back pain - all of which I have.

I also realised that over the past few months my periods have sometimes been a day shorter and quite a lot lighter - I'm on the contraceptive pill.

I begged my doctor to check my CA125 levels but she wouldn't, saying it isn't "routinely recommend". Thankfully she's sending me for an ultrasound but I'm gonna have to wait awhile for the appointment and I'm terrified it's already in the advanced stages. 😥

I'd really appreciate any advice as I am driving myself mad with worry, I'm almost tempted to go to A&E to see if I can get tests done quicker?