I am a married 40 man with 2 great kids and a good life, but anxiety plagues me and even worse in covid.
Some days I struggle to eat and vomit/reach at the thought of food and social interactions, and recently just sitting down with the family to eat.
I am underweight and not eating makes me very weak, what makes me more nauseous.

The doctor three weeks ago has prescribed sertraline (50mg but i reduced to 25mg the dose as side affects where too much for me and propanol (40mg), I have tried CBT in the past and hypnosis that have helps a little. (my parents/siblings has a history anxiety)

My question to the NMP gurus, I am currently on 25mg for three weeks and thinking of upping the dosage to 50mg...but unsure if I should wait longer as I am not feeling any effects yet.
And how you know if you have the right dosage, do you just have more good days than bad?

Many thanks

(positive responses only reading negative stories makes me panic)