
Thought I might give you my side.

I started getting very anxious when I was pregnant with my 2nd
This continued when he was born and I was diagnosed with PND. i don't know if I have PND but definetly have GAD. The joy of seeing the wee man grow and learn outweighs it all though.

Being with the kids though sometimes takes my mind of the anxiety as they need bathed, fed and loved.
Also the kids need things too. my oldest wanted to go to a pantomime and the person i was supposed to go with pulled out at the last minute. i didn't want to go alone but couldn't let my son down. I wouldn't have went for anyone else.

I'm not saying having a baby caused my anxiety it didn't. i have been anxious for years having a baby brought it to a head

Maybe now is the time to say anxiety won't beat me I want a baby and this has ruled my life for long enough
