Welcome to my first post (beside my intro.) I have nearly posted many times but found that just the act of writing let me put my CBT skills to use and dig myself out of my hole.

Not this time.

You can all see by which sub-forum I'm in what's got me going: ALS.

I've got the twitches (alllll over, but mostly in lower legs - exactly where people get them from BFS and stress and all that), I've got subjective weakness (not clinical, I don't think -- note, I also sat on my butt for ALL of lockdown, like, 14 full months), and I've got a bunch of other stuff that doesn't line up with ALS (tingling, blurry vision, double vision at the extremes of my visual field, trembling hands). I'm over 30 but under 40. Female. Can you hear me acknowledging this is probably not THAT? And yet. And yet...

This is the utter worst HA ever. SIGH.


While I'm here, we're sure absolutely none of us ever went on to get ALS, yes? Not that the plural of "anecdote" is "data," but still...

Sending best wishes to everyone else going through this. What a lousy club.