Quote Originally Posted by glassgirlw View Post
Is she symptomatic Phil? How is she feeling?

I don’t know the rules over there. Here, if you are unvaccinated you are meant to quarantine for a certain time period if living with someone that has a positive test.

You’ve been exposed at this point. The best plan here is to wear a mask indoors and try to keep as much distance as possible. It’s difficult living in the same house. But many others have been in your situation and have come out of it fine. Try to have some empathy for your wife though? You can leave meals and such outside the spare room door for her. Use disinfecting wipes and make sure your own hygiene practices are good. It’s all you can do at this point.
She says headache just like a cold I think so I think she is ok good as can be I guess? Her gran had same symptoms a few weeks back. I ordered some saliva tests incase I require one at a later date.