Hi all I have been trying not to panic, but my fear has become a reality after waging war on covid isolating and doing all we can covid is in the house.

My eldest had to go to her cardiology appointment the only place she has gone in over 18 months. We took all precautions masked her up her doubly vaccinated dad took her we fidnt use public transport and it got her.

Covid is here our eldest has it she us on day six, our youngest and I have it day 3 and now dad and nan are sick day 1. We are all at different stages or different days but I'm so scared I've heard u can get better then worse I've heard that u can reinfect those u live with its impossible to issolate from eachother im terrified.

Both dad, nan and oldest daughter have underlying conditions . I'm so so scared has anyone got any positive covid stories all I see and hear are the terrifying ones