Hey all,

This forum has done a great job in the past with my anxiety and I hope maybe to get some advice or similar experiences again

For the last 2-3 weeks I have had a constant feeling of lightheadedness. It is mild but always there and sometimes worsens for a short period though only once has it been more than a mild feeling. The one time though was truly frightening, everything was spinning no matter my position and I nearly had a full blown panic attack since I was certain I was having a stroke or something. Aside from that it hasn't been more than an annoyance that I just can't shake. Health anxiety being what it is leads me to hyperfocus on it which I'm sure only makes it worse or at least more noticeable.

I've been in contact with doctors and have had various tests done:

- Blood tests = All levels were normal. It was promarily a vitamin test but I'm not sure what else they checked (they took four vials)

- Eye test = My eyes are slightly worse than they were but no more than the optician expected. I have new glasses coming but they aren't here yet. She also mentioned from the photos she took of the back of my eye that my blood vessels were "squiggly" which can be evidence of high blood pressure (more on that later...)

- ECG = Everything normal.

- Blood pressure = This is the one that is causing me a lot of concern. I have what I believe to be a high blood pressure though it isn't dangerously so. The nurse, when she took it said it was a touch on the high side but not nearly enough to need attention. It was something like 133/93 and when I mentioned my anxiety she said that would explain the raised numbers. My home monitor frequently as the top number at around 120/135 and the bottom number has been anywhere from 77/95... There was one outlier during the intence dizziness episode where my blood pressure was 140/100 but that was thankfully a one-off and almost certainly thanks to my panic attack.

This is where I am now. I have a 24-hour ECG booked for next week but still no answers as to what is going on. I don't have any other symptoms of anything... I don't feel more tired than usual, no swelling, no breathlessness, etc.

The lightheadedness can occassionally flare up but I'm far from certain what causes it. I went to the shops and back today with no problem but bending over to take my shoes off and standing up again made it worse for just a second or two. I don't feel like this is always the case though. The other night to test it I lad on the ground then jumped up as quickly as possible and didn't have a problem.

Does anyone have experience with a similar problem? A persistent lightheadedness that doesn't go away no matter what?

Thank you for any help anyone has!