I have been taking Fluoxetine for around 4 weeks. For the first 3 weeks I had a few side effects such as dizziness and headaches but nothing too major. Then about a week ago I started to have this really increased urge to pee. I go and then about 15 mins after I have gone I start the feel the urge building to go again. I am even now waking up during the night to go whereas previously that would only happen if I had a lot to drink before going to bed. I have also noticed this fluttering feeling in my bladder area that seems to come and go for the last few days.
I don't think this is a UTI as urine is clear and no burning sensation, also I am a male so UTI's aren't as common. I would describe my bladder habits as fairly normal up until now so I really do feel like this is linked to the medication as that is about the only thing that has changed. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced bladder / urine problems with Fluoxetine?