Mainly geared towards those in US, only because I’m not familiar with what your recommendations are across the pond or elsewhere in the world! But feel free to chime in.

The CDC came out with recommendations as to who should get the third dose. Basically 6 months after dose #2, for those over 65, or those 18-64 with conditions. It’s a broad range of conditions though and that’s where my curiosity comes in. I’m 42 and obese. Pretty significantly, BMI of around 48. I’m working on this (down 50 lbs since 31 May) but obviously is not a quick process lol. I have no other physical health conditions that I know of. No high blood pressure, no diabetes, etc. Just really obese. Anyone out there similar to me that is considering this booster dose?

I have sent off a message to my GP to get their opinion as well. Just curious what others are doing or are planning to do!