Hiya people, hope you are ok, sorry i have not been on this website for a couple of weeks - i have just started playing my keyboard for weddings and so it has taken a big chunk of my spare time away from me.

I have been doing fine up until yesterday when i forgot my mobile phone and we went to southport - i had an anxiety attack in the car - it was awful but i am pleased to say that it lasted for around 10 minutes and then it was gone and i was fine. It made realise how much i relied on a mobile phone - i have always use it as a get out clause (ie im ok if this happens as i have my mobile phone etc etc) but yesterday i didnt and i had to cope with it.

Hope this makes sense! Although i am feeling 60 % better i still have blips but this blip seemed to be bad but i was able to deal with it.

Anyway thats my wittering done for the day! Hope your all ok.

Take Care
