Quote Originally Posted by panic_down_under View Post
I wouldn't panic over one or two readings unless they are off the chart. Serotonin has many roles in the body apart from being a brain neurotransmitter including in the regulation of blood vessel tone, constriction and dilation and serotonergic ADs can interfere with this particularly in the first few weeks. They can either raise or lower blood pressure depending on individual responses though lower BP is the more common. They are also mild anticoagulants so may offer some protection against heart attack and ischaemic (blocking) stroke, but slightly increase the risk of the much less common haemorrhagic (bleeding) stroke. Plus, anxiety can also significantly raise BP.

Unfortunately, there are no quick fixes. These disorders are often a long time in the making and they cannot be resolved in a few days or weeks.

If you switch overnight to another AD you will retain some of the benefit gained so far. Unless switching to/from a MAOI class AD there is no need for a 'washout' period.
My readings yesterday were mostly around 155/100 and 160/100 with 2 readings of 180/110.

I visited my gp and we increased the bisoprolol to control the fast heartbeat and bloodpressure more.

I have a call with my psychiologist at 11.30 today and will hear what she says.

I feel completely nervous and jittery inside. I am also very worried about my blood pressure and high heart rate because they come out of nowhere.

It might be me being so nervous that is causing this all as well.
I barely slept last night because of my worries and it makes the nervousness so much worse.

Sometimes I feel like giving up on meds because they make me feel so bad. If my blood pressure and heart rate was ok It would be much easier to cope for me.

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