I tried Lyrica (name brand) a few years ago and it did help some with my anxiety and really helped with some nerve pain that I have from a bulging disc in my neck and lower back. I decided to come off of it due to the elevated triglycerides (over 600) and the price really jumped up after my insurance stopped covering it (around $667/month).

Now about a month and half ago, my doctor recommended it again due to a generic was out and was alot cheaper and was going to used a fairly low dose (150mg/day) and see if that would help not raise my triglycerides that high. I was up to 300mg a day in the past.

The problem I am having is, with the name brand lyrica at this dose the dizzy/drunk feeling went away after a week. The generic for some reason is causing it to persist and is very intense and setting of my anxiety due to how I feel all the time. I am thinking of trying to lower my dose to 75mg a day and see how that goes.

Has anyone else had the long lasting side effect of this with the generic? Also, since I have been on this for only around 6 weeks, do I need to follow the 10% taper per week, or would I be ok with a quicker taper?

Thank you in advance.