Hey guys I just wanted to get some insight on this - on both depression and insomnia.

For the first time in my life due to stress and anxiety I've come down with a bit of depression. Over the last few days rather predictably I've been having spells of super low mood, which linger for most of the day and then lift towards the evening. I'm hoping I'm getting better as yesterday my low mood was short lived and I felt my normal self for the first time in a while. Today the low mood is trying to visit me but I feel like it's not as bad. I'm able to do housework and such.

The kicker is I'm finding it hard to sleep. Over the last three nights I've found that just as I'm about to fall asleep I'll get some sort of weird sensation or jerk which stops me from dozing off. I've found I'm also tired but not sleepy. Today I feel a bit like a zombie. I've tried to have a good nap this morning but the same keeps happening. I struggled with this last night until about 3am when suddenly I felt a tiny bit sleepy. I then slept until about 5. It's this issue with sleep now that I feel is holding me back. It's giving me some anxiety like, what if I get unwell because I can't sleep? I'm scared I'm going to go crazy or something. I woke up this morning feeling very tired and irritable which just created more anxiety. Can't win! I reckon if I could just get a good nights sleep I'd feel like 100 bucks.