Anyone else got it in the past and now scared to leave the house?

I try to leave as little as possible because of my fear. I got COVID early January and it really knocked me out :(
Im 28 and at that point I didn’t have my booster shot. I’m also still waiting to get it and my my appointment the first week of April.

On Monday I had to go out and do a return at the postal office. I had my mask on and there was quite a few people inside. There was a family of 3 at the front desk, a lady in front of me without a mask, but standing 5ft in front, and a boy behind me standing 5ft behind. We had to wait around 20-25 mins because whatever the store owner was doing with the family up front was taking long.

Ever since that experience I’ve had terrible anxiety about catching COVID again. I’m terrified because we were in that small space for 25 minutes at least, although spaced apart.

I tested yesterday and I am negative. But I’m still afraid and it’s making my anxiety go crazy this week. :(