Quote Originally Posted by Lencoboy View Post
I guess you're right Pulisa.

The main crime fears these days tend to be centred around knife crimes and County Liners in particular, which aren't wholly 'new' problems per se, but I vividly remember back in the 90s the intense moral panics over twocking/joyriding, ravers, Ecstasy and other drug abuse, ramraiding, armed robberies, burglaries, vandalism, etc, and in the 2000s it was gun crime, ASB, hoodie culture, night time drunken hooliganism in town centres, thefts of phones and satnavs, most of which the media don't appear to put the fear of God into us over to the extent that they used to.

Twoc- have had a lift home home from town while pissed, in a car where the owner didn't know it was being used if that counts? Also quite often got a lift home from the police... mate was a copper, if he saw me in town in the early hours used to give me a lift home!

Ravers - been to a few in fields (Castle Morton was a monster), I was more new age/crusty type than raver though.

Ecstasy - yep, weed, speed, acid, coke, mainly weed though bit of E and speed occasionally on a weekend.

Armed robbery, burglary - Nope, I think though we all knew a bloke(s) who could get dodgy goods, I remember getting 20 cans of Lynx deodorant for 10 quid 'cushty' lol

Vandalism - think we all did a bit of that as teenagers, only ever minor really.

Gun crime has been about since guns were invented. I knew a dealer in the 90's with a handgun, fűck knows why he needed it in the cotswolds!

Everybody has a hoodie don't they?

Drunken behaviour in the town centre - standard Friday and Saturday evening in you late teens to twenties.

Looks like I was the the problem in the 90's! I do it all again, just I'm too bloody old now!