Hi everyone.

I'm having a crisis at the moment due to a sort of painless mass I can feel just below my left ribs. It seems to be quite large, and follows where my colon is. It kind of feels like my colon is just hard?

I wouldn't have noticed it at all but a doctor picked it up a week ago whilst examining me for something else, and now I'm freaking out that I have cancer.

I have been to see my GP this morning and he wasn't sure what it was - even got another GP to have a look and he was also unsure. They referred me to get a CT scan urgently to find out what it is.

I do have Ulcerative Colitis, but my symptoms are fairly well managed at the moment, and I have no other symptoms at all apart from some rib pain (I've just had a baby two weeks ago, so doctor thinks the rib pain is to do with that).

The more experienced GP said the only things really there are my colon and muscles. I had a colonoscopy just over a year ago and no polyps or anything were found, so I'm trying to convince myself that means I can't have a large cancerous lump in my colon already? Doesn't colon cancer take a while to appear?

I'm hoping it is just Ulcerative Colitis inflammation or something like that, but I'm worrying so much. Hopefully my CT scan will be soon - should be within a couple of weeks I think as it's urgent.

Has anyone had something similar? Or has anything that could put my mind at rest a little?

I wish I could just forget about it until my scan, and just assume it's nothing horrible. But that's not how my anxiety works!
