Looking for reassurance. I know that can be counter productive, but I need to be productive today. Brief history: June 2021 suffered withdrawals from Zoloft severely for 4 months creating significant levels of stress and depression. In Oct. 2021, began twitching and cramping. Got a clean EMG, but still fixated that I had ALS and/or Bulbar for several months. Now I’m almost certain I don’t just based on the amount of time that’s gone by. So I’ve irrationally turned to MS. Which has way more symptoms.

In any event, I have brisk reflexes, I get small myoclonic jerks (typically when I’m tired, but sometimes in my legs when I’m sitting), rare periods of extreme fatigue (typically after not sleeping well or elevated stress), and the one that’s been bothering me is the tingling (No numbing).

The tingling bothers me because it happens mostly in my left hand and possibly in my arm. It also happens in my left foot, but only at night right before bed. The left hand isn’t constant and I could go a day without it. So it comes and goes. I CANNOT tell what is anxiety or not. I KNOW I create or exacerbate physical symptoms through being hyper vigilant or overly fixated.

IM CERTAIN I have health anxiety. I will often get 2-3 different disease fears in a week or even a day. I also get wide ranging symptoms that could be various things. Almost always relatively mild and short lived.

The tingling fear with MS is a bit like the twitching fear was with ALS. It happens more frequently, I believe it actually exists and it lingers and reoccurs.

Literally yesterday, I noticeably didn’t have tingling because I was extremely concerned about my throat which was (I think) sore, but who knows. So I spent the day concerned I had COVID and/or Bulbar.

I know how this reads, but even hypochondriacs can get sick.
