Quote Originally Posted by Pamplemousse View Post
Glad to help

Here's a little insight into a similar thing that greatly upset my six year old mind: circa 1971 a Maltese politician - Dom Mintoff - wanted to throw out the British Forces on the island of Malta. Unfortunately the way the newspapers portrayed it (particularly the Daily Mirror), little PM thought he wanted us to leave Britain and so he went into a deep little depression, to the puzzlement of his mother and grandmother as he didn't want to talk about it. In my mind's eye I can still see little myself standing in my Nan's house by her radiogram (it was to the right of the fireplace at that time in the living room) with my Mum and Nan asking me why I was so upset.
Blimey PM, when I was 6 I was totally oblivious to newspapers and the news in general, despite all the endless talk of Armageddon back in 1983-84 which seemed to be when all the original Cold War hysteria was coming to a head, which of course I was totally unaware of at the time.

Ditto for the various IRA attacks and also (race) riots in many of our big cities and even some of our larger towns up and down the country, plus a lot of the other horrible things going on at that time.

Innocence and ignorance really was bliss for me back then in the mid 80s, but had I been 44-45 (the age I am now) back then, I probably would have been terrified witless!