
Was bitten by a domestic dog 1,5 months ago. Was given the tetanus shot, but I obviously developed rabies anxiety. At random I feel tingling or pricking in the bite area(calf). This could very well be hairs being pulled by my pants or from training etc.

Apparently rabies is extinct in my country but I still get these serious episodes where I think I have it, and then it goes over.

For all I know the dog was imported illegally and had rabies the moment it bit me. What annoys me even more is that I never got to see the dogs vaccine certificate and apparently pets in my country are not given rabies vaccine since it's extinct. However, who knows, what if the dog stuck its mouth on a dead rabid animal?

EDIT: I wore pants when it bit me it it didn't puncture my skin, but it left a clearly visible bite mark and it took 3 weeks to heal completely. Might also be a reason I've had some sensations there as my pants rub against it in my everyday life.