Hi ladies. I am 53, peri menopausal, have severe health anxiety and almost 2 weeks ago, I found a lump in my left breast. I immediately panicked and hubby took charge. He got me in with my GP the next day. She felt my lump and found another one same breast. When she found that one, she asked if I had hit myself there? ( my large Golden Retriever had jumped in that area a couple weeks before). I was on the verge of tears but she couldn’t offer me any consolation other than “don’t own it until you know something” and “breast cancer doesn’t typically hurt. - I have no real pain, but a lot of discomfort that travels down that rib, underneath the breast and into my armpit. She referred me for mammogram and ultrasound that is on 6/15. A Dr told me many years ago that I have very fiberous tissue and my mom had it so bad that she was always poking and complaining of painful lumps. I also have 18 year old saline, under the muscle implants. The waiting around, not knowing is hell on earth. I literally feel like I’m in a daze. I’ve lost atleast 10 lbs since I found the lump. I can’t eat, can’t sleep. Can’t be around a lot of people, can’t go anywhere. My husband is my rock and is worried about my mental state and keeps reassuring me the best he can but I honestly don’t think I’ve ever been so scared my entire life and I panic every time I think about this appointment. I’ve seen a few posts of massive support for other ladies going through this nightmare and I guess I’m just looking for some support of my own. Thank you so much!