Hello everyone, I don't know if anyone has ever tried this before on this Forum -- I know that every now and then we do a round of "In the past year I have NOT died from..." but that only covers what disease people don't have, not what they were experiencing that made them think they had a disease! So I thought perhaps we could use a format like this:

"I had [symptoms] and was worried about [disease] for / during [year or timeframe] and it turned out it wasn't that / I am still here!" to show that alternate rational explanations are available / catastrophe isn't the only outcome!

I'll go first. Maybe if we get enough of these they can serve as a searchable resource for others?

"I had right sided rib and back pain and was worried about pancreatic cancer in fall/winter 2022 and it turned out it wasn't that / I am still here!"

"I had open wounds and a lot of exposure to medical environments and was worried about MRSA or flesh eating bacteria during summer 2017 and nothing ever happened and I am still here!"

"I neti potted a lot and was worried about brain eating bacteria/amoeba during 2011 and nothing ever happened and I am still here!"

"I had periodic severe digestive issues (cramping/urgent poos/watery poos) and was worried about autoimmune problems on and off for about 6 years 2016 to 2020 ish, with reoccurrences even now, and I am still here!"

"I had morning puking, reflux, and difficulty swallowing tough foods and was worried about miscellaneous cancer for 2008-2009 and it turned out it wasn't that / I am still here!"

"I had kidney pain and was worried about fatal kidney and liver things in summer 2012 and again in spring of 2015 and it turned out it wasn't that / I am still here!"

"I had enlarged groin lymph nodes and was worried about cancer for / during 2013 and it turned out it wasn't that / I am still here!"

"I had pulsatile tinnitus and was worried about arterial hemorrhage in 2021 and it turned out it wasn't that / I am still here!"

"I had a very strong visible heartbeat in my stomach and was worried about hemorrhage in Fall 2019 and it turned out it wasn't that / I am still here!"

"I was worried about contaminated baby formula during summer 2019 and nothing ever happened to any kid I know!"